This practice uses a “Recall and Reminder” system to provide care for its patients. This will assist in ensuring that important health checks aren’t forgotten and are performed on time. You will be reminded when it is time to visit your doctor for a check up or as a follow up to health risks that have previously been found. The reminder system will include check ups to help in the prevention or early detection of certain conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and forms of cancer – particularly cervical and prostate cancer, and immunization follow up.

In some cases, the reminders can also be sent from other places e.g. The government Cervical Screening (CST) register, (formally PAP).
We will also use information from your health record to tell us the check ups for which you are due and when you should visit your doctor to discuss the tests that are needed.
The doctors follow the guidelines for preventative care as outlined in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ Guidelines for Preventative Activities in General Practice. The guidelines are in line with the recommendations of organizations such as the National Health and Medical Research Council, the National Heart Foundation and others.
The use of your mobile phone number will ensure that we can provide a more efficient service by using SMS reminders via the HotDoc platform. By allowing us to send you these reminders you will help us to detect serious conditions early and to monitor known conditions. This can significantly improve the long-term outcome for you.
Even when you agree to be included in the Recall & Reminder system, you should remember when you should be tested for certain conditions and should always contact your doctor to get the results of a test that has been performed. We may not always be able to reach you, especially if you have moved and the contact information on your record has not been updated.
Please discuss with your doctor any concerns you have or if you do not wish to participate in this Recall & Reminder system.